
Why You Should Send a Custom Postcard on Your Next Vacation – And the Easiest Way to Do It

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How often do you send postcards when you’re on vacation? Let alone custom ones?

When done right, postcards can be very powerful. They can maintain and create a connection.

They can even start a fight in a senior’s home. Let me explain.

When my grandmother was alive I used to send her multiple postcards from every trip. She loved them so much that she carried them with her in her purse at all times. There were so many that her purse wouldn’t close but she refused to take them out. They meant that much to her.

She lived in a senior’s home because she had dementia. Every day, she’d take out the big stack of postcards and show them to the residents, forgetting that she’d done so many times before.

you can create custom postcards from your travel photos in minutes
Photo of a postcard I created with MyPostcard in just a few minutes.

One day, one of the residents snapped, We’ve seen those postcards so many times before. We don’t want to see them again.

My grandma feisty as ever replied, Oh yeah? You’re just jealous because you never receive anything from your grandchildren. 

My mom later received a phone call from a staff member at the senior’s home relaying the above incidence. The above residence had burst into tears along with several others who never received anything from their grandchildren regularly as mine did.

The staff member begged my mom to remove some of the postcards. They wanted to prevent future postcard scandals.

Yes, postcards can be that powerful.

The Easiest Way to Send Postcards

Maybe when you’re travelling you have good intentions of sending a postcard or two. You might even buy a couple. But then you realize that you can’t find anywhere to buy stamps. Or you make your way to to the post office only to realize that it’s Sunday and closed. The postcards end up crumbled in your bag and never get sent.

It’s happened to me more times than I’d like to admit.

That’s why I love MyPostCard. It’s a Photo Postcard App that works on Desktop, iPhone or Android.

Send one postcard for FREE using MyPostcard from anywhere in the world.

Simply click on the link and at check out enter “monkeysandmountains”.

1. Open the app on your desktop, iPhone or Android and choose from one of the layouts.

the first step to creating your custom postcard is to choose your layout
MyPostcard gives you a variety of layouts to choose from.

2. Upload the photo(s) of your choice.

I choose photos from my travels in Madagascar to create my custom postcard.
You can choose your frame and whether or not to add text as I did when I created this postcard from my travels in Madagascar.

3. Write your message and the address on the back of your postcard.

write your message on your postcard
MyPostcard gives you several fonts and sizes to choose from to personalize the back of your postcard.

4. Preview.

5. Send

custom postcards are a great way to stay connected while travelling
Postcards – including the entire design AND postcard start at just €1.99. You can get one for free. See below for details.

That’s it! Your postcard will be sent shortly. You don’t need to worry about the hassle of buying or overpaying for stamps or trying to find a post office to mail it.

You can simply do it using the app from your phone. The steps are exactly the same as you can see below:[vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”25195″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”25194″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”]MyPostcard also gives you the option to send an extra large postcard, or to turn your photo into a greeting card.

You can even select a photo from your Instagram account.

I couldn’t believe how easy and fast it was to use. Check it out for yourself – free:

Try MyPostcard for FREE!

Send one postcard for FREE to anywhere in the world. Simply click on the link and at check out enter “monkeysandmountains”.

What You Should and Shouldn’t Say On Your Custom Postcard

I personally hate receiving postcards with trite messages such as Enjoying hanging on the beach – hope that you’re not freezing with all that snow – haha.

I mean, I’m glad that you’re having a good time, but come on!

Instead, you can make your custom postcard so much more meaningful. You can send a postcard with a photo of yourself to personalize it. Or take a photo of something the recipient likes and send it to them.

personalized postcard with a picture of me in front of mountains
A photo of me while researching a hiking tour in the Dolomites personalizes a custom postcard.

For example, my mom loves flowers and enjoys seeing different species of flowers from around the world. Perhaps you have a friend that loves art, you could take a picture of a painting or sculpture that you think she’d appreciate.

how to make custom postcards 2
What the back of a postcard with MyPostcard looks like. Be sure to personalize your message to make it even more meaningful to your loved one.

This is also a great time to tell your friends and family how much you appreciate them. And exactly what it is that you appreciate about them. That will make your postcard much more meaningful than writing Wish you were here.

Postcards, especially custom ones, are powerful tools for maintaining connections and staying in touch with family and friends while travelling.

Now that you know how easy it is with MyPostcard be sure to send one on your next vacation.


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[vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”25208″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”25203″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”]Note: This post was brought to you by MyPostcard. As always, all opinions are my own. 

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