
5 Travel Tips You Need to Know Before Visiting Cinque Terre

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Five Cinque Terre travel tips to help make your vacation live up to your expectations in a very touristy place.

Cinque Terre is the star of the Italian Riviera. The five fishing villages are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area is known for its preserved architecture, beautiful villages, coastal hiking trails, and spectacular views. It’s on many travelers’ bucket lists and for a good reason.

But that also means it’s touristy. Especially during its peak season, it can get really touristy, as in 2 million tourists a year. So here’s why these 5 travel tips for Cinque Terre are so important. Here’s what you need to know from your favorite online travel guide 😉

Travel Tip 1) Cinque Terre is Actually 5 Villages and a National Park

 Cinque Terre is an area comprising five villages
Cinque Terre is arguably the most scenic place in the Italian Riveria.

Related Reading: 11 Best Cinque Terre Tours

You won’t find trains going to Cinque Terre or hotels in Cinque Terre. That’s because while the area is known as Cinque Terre, meaning Five Lands, they are five separate villages. From north to south they are Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore.

More on each village to follow. But the essential Travel Tip for Cinque Terre here is don’t bother renting a car. Parking spots and parking garages are difficult and expensive here, take public transportation instead.

They have regular train services here. Make sure to get a Terre train card when traveling. Train tickets change often so I suggest booking train rides earlier if possible. You can also get an unlimited train travel ticket too.

Recommended Reading: Best Walking Holidays in Italy

Travel Tip 2) Cinque Terre is Hilly. Really Hilly

Cinque Terre Travel Tip: Expect lots of hills so pack lightly
Hills of Riomaggiore

Many travelers arrive at the train station in Riomaggiore, the largest of the five villages, and are then surprised to learn that their hotel is located hillside. It’s not uncommon to climb 100+ stairs to reach your hotel. Once you’ve reached your accommodation, you may have to carry your luggage up several flights of stairs.

You need to be aware of this, especially if you have mobility issues or are traveling with a heavy stroller. Every visit I’ve seen weary travelers sweating as they lug their luggage up stair by stair cursing under their breath saying I wish I would have known how many f$%*ing stairs there were and I would have packed lighter. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

The flattest village is Monterosso, the most northern of the villages. Staying in Monterosso is a good option if you have mobility issues or heavy luggage.

Related Reading: 9 Best Places to Visit in Italy

Cinque Terre Puzzles To Inspire Your Travels to Italy

cinque terre of riomaggiore puzzle for adults 500 and 1000 pieces
cinque terre of manorola puzzle for adults 500 and 1000 pieces
italy vineyards puzzle for adults 500 and 1000 pieces

Travel Tip 3) Don’t Travel to Cinque Terre In Summer

Travel tip: Don't visit Cinque Terre in summer. It's too crowded. Instead go off season.
In high season these chairs would all be full

Cinque Terre has approximately 4000 residents but receives well over 2 million visitors a year. There’s been talk about capping the number of visitors, especially day-trippers from cruise ships. The majority of these visits occur during the summer months. As a result, accommodation is expensive and difficult to find, and it’s crowded.

It’s also really hot. And air conditioning in most places, if found at all (my last room didn’t even have a fan) could be called AC Light.

I’m a big fan of visiting most places off-season, and Cinque Terre is no exception. You’ll still get warm temperatures in spring and fall, and stores and restaurants will still be open. I haven’t been in winter, but according to a local that I spoke with, many places close from mid-November to mid-February so I’d avoid going then.

Related Reading: Cinque Terre & Beyond Hiking Tour in Italy

Travel Tip 4) Do Hike Cinque Terre’s Coastal Trail

Travel Tip: Hike the Cinque Terre Coastal Path
Me hiking the Coastal Path and overlooking Vernazza

The Coastal Trail is the most famous of Cinque Terre’s many hiking trails. While the routes (as of spring 2019) from Riomaggiore to Manarola and Manarola to Corniglia are closed due to previous flood damage, you can still hike from Monterosso-Vernazza-Corniglia.

It’s a beautiful route but be prepared for lots of stairs and lots of ups and downs. Bring lots of water. Take your time and stop in each of the villages for gelato. Hey, you’ve earned it :).

I love hiking in the area so much that I created a self-guided hiking tour for this gorgeous part of the Italian Riviera and beyond. Check it out. Yes, I think it’s my favorite village too!

Related Reading: Alta Via 1 Hiking Tour in Dolomites Italy Entire, North or South Route

Travel Tip 5) Discover What Each Village Offers

While each village is picturesque and they are similar in appearance, each also has its own flair. It’s important to know the difference so that when you book your accommodation.

See our recommendations for each village below. Accommodation fills up quickly so book as far in advance as possible.

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Related Reading: Molise: Italy’s Last Undiscovered Region


Visit Riomaggiore at sunset
Riomaggiore is magical at sunset

This is the southernmost and second-largest of the villages. It’s also one of the most picturesque. Follow the steps above the harbor for incredible sunset views as the sun highlights the gorgeous architecture. I love dinner with sunset views and this is such a great spot for it.

Related Reading: How to Pack for the TMB (or Similar Trek)

There are some great accommodation options in Riomaggiore which you can check out here.


Cinque Terre Travel Tip: The best dive spot is in Mararola
Dive spot in Manarola

This has a popular dive spot that’s especially popular with teenagers. I’m a big fan of getting gelato and then watching all those crazy kids dive from the rocks.

Related Reading: How a Trek Can Change Your Life and Why You Should Do One

You can find the best accommodation options in Manarola here.


This is the smallest of the five colorful villages. It’s also the hardest to reach. Regardless of which side you approach it from, you’ll have a 100-meter (300 feet) climb. As it’s the furthest village to get to, it’s also the least popular with tourists. So go here if you’re looking for a quieter getaway. I recommend it for a day trip or if you only have a small backpack for luggage.

Related Reading: Strength Training for Hiking and Trekking

For the best accommodation options in Corniglia, you can check out my list of recommendations here.


Travel Tip: Visit the crown jewel of Cinque Terre, Vernazza
Vernazza is considered to be the most picturesque of all the villages

This is one of the most picturesque villages (in competition with Riomaggiore in my opinion). Cafes and restaurants line the harbor, and there’s a castle ruin. I usually stop here for lunch. Delicious seafood dishes are a must-try here! They also offer superb wine pairings with their pasta dishes. I can absolutely see myself coming back in the foreseeable future for more!

Related Reading: How to Choose a Trek That You’ll Love

You can find some great accommodation in Vernazza. See my recommendations here.


Travel Tip: head to Monterroso for the best beaches in Cinque Terre
Monterroso has the best beaches in Cinque Terre

The northernmost and largest of the villages has both an old beautiful town and a modern new town. It also has the best beaches in Cinque Terre, and the umbrellas give it a resort-like feel. It’s my least favorite of the five villages. But it’s a good option if you want to hit the beach or have mobility issues. It’s the flattest of the villages in this Italian Destination.

Monterosso offers beautiful accommodation and you can see my list of recommendations here.

How to Get to Cinque Terre and Where to Stay

The easiest way to get to Cinque Terre is from Pisa via train. Alternatively, you can also book one of these day tours which includes transportation from Milan, Florence or Pisa.

Check out our post on Where to Stay for recommendations in each village.

Related Reading: How to Get to Cinque Terre

Follow these five travel tips when visiting Cinque Terre and you’re sure to have a bucket-list-worthy vacation!

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travel tips for Cinque Terre

If you like Cinque Terre, check out what else you can do in Italy here.

This post has been updated and republished.