
TMB Packing

What to Bring on the TMB

You can find a complete TMB Packing List here, and the printable PDF version of it here.

A few noteworthy items to point out:

  • Sleeping bag liner. You need this even if you’re staying in private double accommodation as the huts only provide blankets and pillows, not sheets. If you’re unfamiliar with this item, it’s basically a light sheet in the shape of a sleeping bag. You’ll be sleeping in here and then using the blankets that the huts provide. This can be really thin as it’s used in combination with blankets, so don’t worry about being cold.
  • Massage Ball. This was my favourite non-essential item that I brought with me on my TMB Trek. I like the small round ones that you can also use on various body parts. I used mine daily on my shoulders and feet. It doesn’t cost much, and it doesn’t take much room. I now consider it an essential on every hiking trip that I do.
  • Universal Adaptor + Power Strip. There will be extensions in mountain huts but there aren’t a lot of them. It can be difficult to find outlets to charge all your electronics, especially if you have more than one or are staying in dormitory accommodation. That’s why I recommend this adapter and power strip. It allows you to charge multiple electronics at once and may make you very popular with your fellow hikers if you’re staying in dormitory accommodation.
  • Quick-Dry Towel. Most of the huts don’t provide towels, even if you’re staying in private double accommodation so you’ll need to bring your own. The quick-dry ones will be dry by morning and don’t take up much room.
  • Backpack. You’ll either need a day pack if you’ve chosen the luggage transfer option or a larger pack if you’re carrying all your own gear. For a day pack, 35 – 45 litres is recommended. Remember that there’s one night that you’ll have to carry your overnight stuff since it’s not possible to drive to the hut. Ensure that you have enough room in your day pack for your overnight essentials like toiletries, sleeping bag liner, PJs, etc.
  • Dry Bag. It’s a good idea to bring one of these to put your electronics or other valuables in that you don’t want to get wet. Waterproof covers for backpacks are a good step but aren’t foolproof.If you’re carrying your own gear then look for a 60-65 litres pack.
    In both cases, you’ll also want a waterproof cover. Look for a backpack that has one built in (most do). If you’re using an existing backpack that doesn’t have one, you can buy one separately.
  • Wifi may be limited in the huts so if you arrive early it’s nice to have something to do. I recommend bringing a book, a Kindle or deck of playing cards.