
Cheetahs in Namibia: The Cheetah Capital of the World

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Namibia is the cheetah capital of the world with an incredible 3000 of them!

I was fortunate enough to spend a day at the Cheetah Conservation Fund, with the fastest animal on the planet.  I was SUPER excited as it was my first time EVER seeing these incredible animals.  They are doing some incredible conservation work.  

Related Reading: 6 Beautiful Places to Visit in Namibia for the Best Nature!

Why is the Cheetah Such an Amazing Animal 

Cheetahs can reach speeds up to 110km per hour. That’s a whopping speed. You can think of them as the Ferrari’s of the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, the cheetah populations are fast declining as they prefer flat terrain, which is also a prime farming area. This makes for a tremendous conflict between farmers and cheetahs, and naturally, the cheetah is at a higher risk in this situation. 

The Cheetah is a wonderful animal that may not have the physical strength and imposing stature of other wild African cats, but it has its own special traits that make up for this. The cheetah is able to run at fantastic speeds, has retractable claws to help with traction and it is a lean and nimble animal that can make turns at incredible speeds. I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the cat that can go from o to 40 mph in 3 strides also eats fast, but I was still surprised at how fast they eat.  I was fortunate enough to help feed 15 of them!!!!!).


The Cheetah Conservation Fund 

A large part of the Cheetah Conservations Fund’s work involves working with local farmers and explaining how cheetahs can actually benefit them.  It’s not an easy sell, but they have been making exceptional progress and the population in Namibia has stabilized after years of decreasing.  Part of the Conservation Funds learning programs is to educate farmers on the usefulness of cheetahs in the wild. For one they tend to only prey on the weakest and slowest in a herd. They also help keep other species populations down and naturally prey on animals such as smaller antelopes, hares, and rodents. They will occasionally also hunt zebra and wildebeest but tend to only do this out of necessity. 

The Cheetah Conservation Fund is located about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Windhoek.  I highly recommend spending some time here.  It’s on the way to Etosha and nearby you can also test your Namibian bush survival skills.

I just had to share some photos of these incredible animals with you:

Gate of Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia
Cheetah at gate of a female enclosure at the  Cheetah Conservation Fund
Amani who lost an eye due to an infection.
Amani who lost an eye to an infection. It would be difficult for her to survive in the wild. Did you know that they are not aggressive animals?  They prefer flight over fight.
Almost looking like a really big house cat - almost!
I wonder if she’s getting ready to show us why they have become known as “the Greyhound of the cats.”

The markings on the ears serve as communication tools.

Cheetah relaxing with several others in her very large, natural enclosure.

Like most cats, cheetahs spend a large part of their day just lazing around.

cheetas in wild

cheetas in wild

One of my favorite cheetah photos

Cheetah at Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia

Cheetah yawning after waking up from her afternoon nap.

Related Reading: 11 Fun Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Namibia

Accommodation in Windhoek Namibia:


Hotel Heinitzburg is housed in a restored castle. It is unique and is set on a hill overlooking the city. The hotel has classic furnishings and has a restaurant that offers great views of the cities skyline. The Garden Terrace offers views of the surrounding mountains.


Hotel Thule is just a 5-minute drive from the Windhoek city center. It is located on a hillside and offers great views from the restaurant and terrace. The hotel also offers a pool, garden and gift shop. Visit the tour desk at the hotel for information on what to do in Namibia. 


Belvedere Boutique Hotel offers comfortable accommodation. The property has an outdoor pool, a garden, and a terrace. Family rooms are available on request and the hotel offers a good breakfast.


cheetas in wild

The Cheetah Conservation Fund is a great program that helps provide safety for the fastest animals on the planet. It is a worthy cause!

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