Comments on: Elk Island National Park: One of the Best Places to See Bison! Trekking and Hiking Tours in Europe | Mountain Hiking | Hiking Gear | Hiking Tips & Trips Sat, 04 Dec 2021 21:30:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laurel Mon, 26 Sep 2016 10:36:37 +0000 In reply to Linda Walton-Pluim.

Linda ß Thanks for sharing your expertise, it must have been quite an experience to work at Elk Island! According to the website and the person at the Info I spoke with, there are bears and wolves but they’re rarely seen, so I’m assuming there aren’t many of them, if they’re there at all.

By: Linda Walton-Pluim Wed, 14 Sep 2016 00:20:57 +0000 Nice article although I worked at Elk Island for over 20 years and in all that time black bears and gray wolves were not known in the park. You will however find a resident family of coyotes.

The golf course was developed in the 1930s. It is challenging and very popular. Being part of the Beaver Hill terrain it is rolling hills. No two rounds are ever the same. Even to just walk the course is fun.

The most popular day hike is Amisk Wuche trail. Nearest the campground it takes about an hour and has several nice picnic sites.

By: Laurel Mon, 29 Aug 2016 20:44:05 +0000 In reply to NWRoadtrips.

NWRoadtrips – It’s not a very popular place, but highly recommend going. Thanks for your kind words and I hope that you’re able to make it there one day.

By: NWRoadtrips Fri, 26 Aug 2016 16:46:39 +0000 I’d never even heard about Elk Island National Park before and your photos and descriptions want to make me go. Nice job. Truly amazing to walk among such impressive beasts.
