
Dali House: Why You Need to Visit Salvadore Dali’s Home

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In the little town of Cadaques, Catalonia stands the last home of artist Salvador Dali, the house itself a symbol of his artistic nature.

Who is Salvador Dali 

I am sure you may have heard the name Salvador Dali somewhere along the line. The famous artist was born in 1904 in the beach town of Figueres, Catalonia. Dali is one of Spain’s most well-known artists. Dali was friends with the likes of Picasso (who incidentally is also Spanish) and was known for his eccentric lifestyle.

Dali House

You can see a lot of Dali’s personality when you look at his house and the interior. I think my favorite thing about this iconic artist is his crazy mustache, very quirky. 

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Salvador Dali: My Neighbour

I observe Dali’s stark white house from my villa’s kitchen window as I prepare my morning coffee. I can barely make out one of his egg decorations.

Salvador Dali is my new neighbor – or at least he was for one magical day. He even invited me into his home which is as surreal as his artwork. Sadly he didn’t invite me to stay for dinner, although I’m sure our dinner conversation would have been unforgettable.

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Dali House

I’m chalking up the lack of dinner invitation due to the fact that he passed away in 1989. Ditto for why a tour guide welcomed me into his house rather than him personally. But make no mistake, a tour of Salvador Dali’s house turned Dali museum shows he is alive and kicking – even if only in spirit.

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Dali HouseNumerous sculptures Salvador Dali’s outdoor space including this one of 2 heads.

Salvador Dali was often described as “eccentric,” “unusual,” and “highly imaginative,” words that would also describe his house and decorating style:

Dali House
Salvador Dali bedroom

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Inside Salvador Dali’s House 

Walking through the Salvador Dalí House-Museum, I can see the artist’s flair in everything. Some of the decor is … um … unconventional. As we continued on the tour we are shown 1 of Dali’s unfinished paintings. The art is unconventional and surreal, just like the man that created it.

Much of the archive imagery, contemporary landscapes, and photographs inside have an influence on his Catalan culture. I recommend a visit for future artists and those looking for an example of a unique artistic endeavour.

Dali House One of Savador Dali’s unfinished works.

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Dali House
View of the Mediterranean Sea from Salvador Dali’s home.

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What Are Dali Eggs?

While Salvador Dali may have preferred more conventional views, his use of sculptures was anything but.  Dali used eggs, not only in his art but also in his house where numerous egg sculptures can be found:

Dali House
One of many egg sculptures found in Salvador Dali’s home.

To Dali, eggs were symbolic of love and hope and the world and its perfection. If you’re an art buff then you probably know that its not only the sculptures at his home that depicted the importance of the egg to Dali but also an entire collection of paintings. 

To me, eggs are symbolic of breakfast, but after seeing so many egg sculptures I’m not in the mood for eggs.

Dali House
View of our charming villa (in the distance) from Salvador Dali’s home – only a few minutes walk.

I sip my coffee, stare at Dali’s house and try and make sense of Dali’s unconventional ideas…for a couple of minutes.  It’s going to take a whole lot more coffee and contemplation before that ever happens.  I turn my chair and decide to stare at the Mediterranean Sea instead….much better!

Know Before You Visit Dali House in Cadaques

  • See the thePortilligat House-Museum of Salvador Dali for more info about visiting the Dalí Theatre-Museum
  • Entrance is only available with a reservation unless you have booked a tour for the Private Dalí Museum.
  • Click the link to find out more about available tours.
  • Thank you to charming Villas for giving me the privilege of calling Salvador Dali my neighbor – even if only for a short time.
  • Most tours go from Barcelona but you can stay in Cadaques which I highly recommend as the landscape is beautiful in this seaside town.
  • There are shops that sell everything Dali. Dali Classic Mug, Dali Throw Blanket, Salvador Dali Tapestry, Dali Dream Wall Decor, Dali Throw Pillow and so much more.

Accommodation is Cadaques

Cadaques has some great accommodations with some of the best views of the Mediterranean in Catalonia. Stay at the Hotel Sol Ixent and enjoy the warm comfortable room interiors and the most amazing views of the ocean from your balcony. The hotel also has a restaurant that serves local cuisine which you should not miss. 

The Hotel Octavia looks like something straight out of an old movie with its white walls and cute balconies. The hotel is just a short walk away from the pier where you can take in beautiful views of the ocean and watch the fishermen of the village work for a real Mediterranean feel.

It’s not every day that I get to have a neighbor as famous as Dali, but that was the case when I stayed in the luxurious villa in Cadaques, only a few minutes’ walk from Salvador Dali’s house in Cadaqués, Catalonia.

Dali House

This post has been updated and republished.